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Subscribing to receive the printed bound volumes of the Queensland Reports
From 2018, the Queensland Reports are issued in printed format of three annual bound volumes. The current subscription rate is $198.00 AUD (including GST and postage within Australia; additional charges apply for tracked delivery within Australia and international postage). Annual subscriptions to the hardcopy Queensland Reports can be lodged through the ICLRQ Online Customer Portal.
For more information about purchasing the hardcopy Queensland Reports without an annual subscription, click here.
Note about the new series of Queensland Reports:
In December 2020, the first printed bound volume of the new series of the Queensland Reports was released. In the previous series, the citation was based upon the year of publication. So the three volumes for 2019 were: [2019] 1 Qd R, [2019] 2 Qd R and [2019] 3 Qd R.
In the new series, the citation style is based upon a continuous series of volume numbers. This system is identical to that adopted for the CLRs, the NSWLRs and the VRs.
To avoid confusion with the former system, the abbreviation to be used for the new series of the Queensland Reports is now “QR” (not “Qd R”). The year is also shown in round brackets (not square brackets). This signifies that it is the particular year of delivery of the judgment which is being referred to and not merely the year of publication of the relevant volume.
For example, whilst the 2019 judgment in Wilmar Sugar Australia Ltd v Queensland Sugar Ltd was only published in 2020, it is properly cited as: (2019) 1 QR 1.
In the future, many bound volumes are likely to include judgments from a range of years. For the convenience of readers, this range will be noted on the spine of the bound volume (as in the CLRs). However, this range of years does not affect the citation of a particular case – which should refer only to the particular year in which judgment was delivered. For example, the third volume of the new series will include cases from both 2019 and 2020: (2019-2020) 3 QR.
However, in citing cases, only the year in which the judgment was handed down should appear in the citation. For example: Director of Public Prosecutions v TAL (2019) 3 QR 1 (as the judgment was given in 2019) but Woods v Newman, Chief Inspector of Coal Mines (2020) 3 QR 312 (as the judgment was given in 2020).
Subscribing to receive the digital Parts of the Queensland Reports monthly
From 2018, the ICLRQ is no longer producing Loose Leaf Parts of the Queensland Reports. Each new edition of the Reports will instead be released as a monthly digital publication, which can be accessed free of charge through the Queensland Judgments website (first-time users are required to register with a valid email address in order to access Queensland Judgments content).
To receive email notifications of new instalments of the Queensland Reports (on the last Friday of every month), sign up here. This free subscription also includes a free copy of the Queensland Law Reporter to your email inbox every Friday.