The ICLRQ produces three types of publication as part of an integrated digital package. They are the Queensland Law Reporter, the Queensland Reports, and the Queensland Judgments website.
The Editors and Sub-Editors are practising barristers in Queensland, who provide their assistance on a largely voluntary basis. The Editor of the Queensland Law Reporter is Sarah Holland. The Editor of the Queensland Reports is Mark Evans and the Editor of the Queensland Judgments website is Mark Eade.
Sarah Holland
QLR Editor - Barrister
Sarah Holland is a graduate of the University of Queensland (BA, LLB (Hons). In 2005 she was the recipient of a full scholarship to study at the University of Dublin, Trinity College (LLM (Dub)). She was called to the bar in 2007. Prior to being called to the bar, Sarah was a solicitor with Mallesons Stephen Jaques in Sydney. She was also an associate to the Hon Justice Susan Crennan in the Federal Court. She has been a sessional lecturer at the T C Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland since 2008 where she is the course coordinator for the Media Law and Planning Law units.
Mark Evans
QR Editor - Barrister
Mark Evans graduated with a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from the Queensland University of Technology in 1990. Before commencing practice at the Bar he worked for solicitors for 10 years from February 1984, including five years as an articled clerk, and three years at Clayton Utz. He was admitted as a Barrister in 1993 in both New South Wales and Queensland, and commenced practice at the private bar in April 1994 in Brisbane where he has practised ever since. He has a diverse practice which includes commercial litigation, estate disputes, conflict of laws, building disputes and personal injuries. He saw his first criminal trial at the age of 14 in the District Court at Charleville, when his father, then a Magistrate, introduced him to the wonders of the law. From 17 August 2012 to 16 August 2016 he was the part-time Deputy Chairperson of the Land Tribunal under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and a part-time member of the Land Court. He started reporting for the Queensland Reports in 1994 as a Reporter and in January 2000 became a Sub-Editor, and later the senior Sub-Editor. He was appointed as Editor on 29 March 2017.
Mark Eade
QJ Editor - Barrister
Mark Eade holds a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours
and a Bachelor of Information Technology with Distinction from the Queensland
University of Technology. Mr Eade commenced practice as a barrister in 2016.
Prior to being called to the Bar Mr Eade was the Associate to the Honourable
Paul de Jersey AC (as his Excellency then was), the Honourable Justice Peter
Flanagan, and the Honourable Justice Ann Lyons. He became a Sub-Editor in 13
April 2017 and later appointed as Editor of the Queensland Judgments
website on 5 December 2019.
Justin Carter
QR Sub-Editor - Barrister
Justin Carter holds a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours and University Medal from Griffith University. Mr Carter commenced practice as a barrister in 2010. He serves as a Sub-Editor of the Queensland Reports. He also regularly contributes to other leading legal publications. Prior to commencing practice, Mr Carter served as associate to Justice Patrick Keane (then of the Queensland Court of Appeal), and Justices Graham Bell and James Barry of the Family Court of Australia.
Bianca Kabel
QLR Sub-Editor - Barrister
Bianca Kabel holds a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Queensland. She also holds a Bachelor of Civil Law with Distinction from the University of Oxford (Magdalen College). She was called to the Bar in 2016. Prior to being called to the Bar, Bianca was the Associate to the Honourable Justice David Jackson in the Supreme Court of Queensland and worked as a solicitor at Ashurst Australia.
The Reporters for the Queensland Reports are practising barristers in Queensland, who provide their assistance on a largely voluntary basis. Reporters are chosen for their academic attainments, practical experience and coverage of all the various specialty areas of practice. Current Reporters include:
Clive Porritt
Clive Porritt is a graduate of Monash University (BA (Hons), LLB). He commenced practice as a barrister and solicitor in Victoria in 1974. He was admitted to practise as a solicitor in Queensland in 1984, and later as a barrister. He has most recently worked as a Commonwealth Prosecutor, and as a sessional tutor with QUT’s Faculty of Law.
Duncan Marckwald
Duncan Marckwald is a graduate of the University of Queensland (BCom, LLB (Hons)). He was admitted as a lawyer in 2008 and worked in commercial litigation at a national firm until being called to the bar in 2017. Duncan has a commercial practice.
Jason Dudley
Jason Dudley was called to the Bar in 2019 and is a member of 35 West Chambers. He has a general commercial practice although undertakes criminal matters also. Jason practised as a senior solicitor at the ODPP and LAQ and was a Judge’s Associate prior to being called to the Bar. He is a graduate of the Queensland University of Technology (Honours).
Joshua Morris
Joshua Morris is a graduate of the Queensland University of Technology (LLB (Hons)). He was called to the bar in 2019 whilst working as a prosecutor for the Queensland Police Service. Joshua commenced at the private bar in 2020 and has a general practice with a particular interest in criminal law.
Joshua Sproule
Joshua Sproule is a graduate of the University of Queensland (LLB(Hons), BA). He was the Associate to Justice Dowsett AM of the Federal Court of Australia, and after working from 2016 as a lawyer at the Australian Government Solicitor, was called to the Bar in 2019. He has a commercial and government law practice.
Jules Moxon
Jules Moxon attended the University of Queensland (BEcon, LLB(Hons), LLM). He was called to the Bar in 2018, prior to which he was Associate to the Hon Justice Dowsett AM, a solicitor in the Litigation and Insolvency team at Allens and a legal adviser to the Commonwealth Attorney-General. Jules has a general civil and commercial practice.
Julia O’Connor
Julia O’Connor is a graduate of Bond University (LLB (Hons)/BCom) and Queensland University of Technology (GDipLP). She was admitted as a solicitor in 2007 and has more than a decade’s experience in commercial litigation. Julia was called to the bar in 2015 and has a commercial practice.
Matt Black
Matt Black was called to the Bar in 2010 and is a member of Quay 11 Chambers. He has a particular interest in administrative law, and appears for both applicants and respondents in merits and judicial review proceedings. He has a broad practice, including disciplinary law, personal injuries and workers’ compensation. Matt’s experience before coming to the Bar includes practice as an in-house lawyer with Centrelink, undertaking legal research, and serving as an associate.
Nic Derrington
Nic Derrington is a graduate of the University of
Queensland (BEcon, LLB (Hons)) and the University of Cambridge (LLM). He was
the Associate to the Hon Justice Dowsett AM and worked as a solicitor at
Herbert Smith Freehills, before being called to the Bar in 2015. He has a
predominately commercial practice.
Rob Cumming
Rob Cumming (BA/LLB (UQ), MBA (Griffith)) was admitted as a solicitor in 1982. He practiced in that capacity predominantly in Brisbane but also in Rockhampton in private practice and as a government lawyer before being called to the Bar in 2017. He gained specialist accreditation in succession law in 2005 and again in 2013 (being required to requalify after working as a Staff Officer with the Australian Army which included operational deployments to Egypt and Afghanistan). At the Bar he undertakes general civil work, in particular estate and disability law.
Robert Lake
Robert Lake is a graduate of the University of Queensland (PhD), Queensland University of Technology (LLB(Hons)) and the Australian National University (GDLP, BSc, GradDipSc). He was called to the Bar in 2017. He has a broad practice including administrative law, family law and criminal law.
Rohan Armstrong
Rohan Armstrong (LLB (Hons) (QUT)) (Townsville) was admitted as a solicitor in 1989. He practised for 26 years as a solicitor in Townsville with Roberts Leu & North and Roberts Nehmer McKee. He became an accredited specialist in personal injuries law in 2002. Rohan served as a Councillor with the Queensland Law Society in 2012/13. Rohan was called to the Bar in 2015 and practises in personal injury and other civil work.
Steven Deaves
Steven Deaves (Rockhampton) commenced Articles of Clerkship with Robin Geldard of South & Geldard in January 1988 and was admitted as a solicitor in December 1993. In 1996 he was made a partner of South & Geldard where his practice largely consisted of commercial and property transactions and litigation. In 2011 Steven left the solicitors’ branch of the profession to become a barrister. He joined the Old Supreme Court Chambers on 1 July 2011. Steven’s practice is entirely civil with a mix of commercial, property, estate and personal injuries litigation and advice work.
Yuzo Araki
Yuzo Araki (LLM, LLB, GDip (Mil Law) and BAv) has a broad practice including administrative, commercial, criminal, employment, insolvency, and government regulatory and public law. Between 2002 and 2019, he practised litigation and dispute resolution at national, mid-tier and boutique law firms, as well as an in-house counsel at a top 20 ASX listed company in the financial services industry. He was called to the Bar in Queensland in 2019. He is also a RAAF specialist reserve legal officer practising military discipline, administrative and international law.